A person, ex. How many persona do you have?
The predication is formal if the subject necessarily entails (or excludes) the predicate; it is material if the entailment is contingent.(2nd paragraph)
The definition of a prediction is a forecast or a prophecy. An example of a prediction is a psychic telling a couple they will have a child soon, before they know the woman is pregnantA prediction is what someone thinks will happen. A prediction is a forecast, but not only about the weather. Pre means “before” and diction has to do with talking. So a prediction is a statement about the future. It's a guess, sometimes based on facts or evidence, but not always.
(1st paragraph)
same tbh or is it just us Oak
When using direct quotations in your writing, the following should be placed outside the set of quotation marks is a semicolon. The correct answer is option c. It is a general rule in the English language that colons and semicolons should be applied outside the quotation marks. Commas, periods and question marks are inside the quotation marks.