La guerra del Peloponeso (431 a. C.-404 a. C.) fue un conflicto militar de la Antigua Grecia que enfrentó a las ciudades formadas por la Liga de Delos (encabezada por Atenas) y la Liga del Peloponeso (encabezada por Esparta).
Tradicionalmente, los historiadores han dividido la guerra en tres fases. Durante la primera, llamada la guerra arquidámica, Esparta lanzó repetidas invasiones sobre el Ática, mientras que Atenas aprovechaba su supremacía naval para atacar las costas del Peloponeso y trataba de sofocar cualquier signo de malestar dentro de su Imperio. Este período de la guerra concluyó en 421 a. C., con la firma de la Paz de Nicias. Sin embargo, al poco tiempo el tratado fue roto por nuevos combates en el Peloponeso lo que llevó a la segunda fase. En 415 a. C., Atenas envió una inmensa fuerza expedicionaria para atacar a varios aliados de Esparta. La expedición ateniense, que se prolongó del 415 al 413 a. C., terminó en desastre, con la destrucción de gran parte del ejército y la reducción a la esclavitud de miles de soldados atenienses y aliados.
<span>Invasions by Barbarian tribes <span>Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor<span>Overexpansion and military overspending
The statement regarding Spanish colonization of Texas that is most accurate is B) Presidios were built near missions to offer military protection.
Presidios were small enclosed forts where a small contingent of military officers and personnel were assigned in New Spain, in the region of what is today the Southwestern United States. They were located close to missions so the miliary officers could provide them with some defense against Native American communities that may have been hostile or from roaming pirates and convicts and escaped slaves, some of whom would also become residents of the presidios. There was not a lot of financial or administrative support for the presidios so they were generally highly autonomous and developed their own local means of survival, taking on local characteristics. They were not just located in Texas. They are found archaeologically in California, New Mexico, and Arizona as well for example.
Germany sent a coded message (aka Zimmerman Telegram) to Mexico proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico. Germany suggested Mexico reclaim it's former territory by going to war with the United States, thus distracting them from the World War. President of the United States Woodrow Wilson got his hands on this telegram and joined the Triple Entente in the war weeks later.
The right answer is A) The right to declare war.
The part of the Constitution that is the basis for this diagram is the right to declare war.
This is the diagram:
The federal government has the power to organize
armed forces>>>>>>>The federal government can
order a draft to force people to serve in the military.>>>>> The right to declare war.
In the United States, the power to declare war relies on Congress. Through Congress, the US can declare war to other countries, as it has happened on eleven times since the first declaration of war against Great Britain in the War of 1812. The last time that Congress officially declared war was when the United States entered World War II.