the plant respirate co2 when photosynthesis occur
Answer: C
Explanation: Smaller single-celled organisms have a high surface area to volume ratio, which allows them to rely on oxygen and material diffusing into the cell (and wastes diffusing out) in order to survive. The higher the surface area to volume ratio they have, the more effective this process can be.
Number of colonies on plate = 40
Amount of DNA used for transformation = 100ng
Volume of competent cells used = 100ul
Total volume = 1ml (1000ul)
Volume plated for growth = 200ul
The amount of cells transformed per 1 µg of DNA is called the transformation efficiency
(CFU is colony forming units) => (number of colonies on plate/ng of DNA plated) X 1000 ng/µg = CFU/µg of DNA
Amount of DNA used for plating = 100ng * (200/1000)
= 100ng * (1/5)
= 100/5 = 20ng
Efficiency calculation = 40 colonies / 20ng = 2 colonies/ng
(2 colonies/ng) * (1000 ng/µg) = 2000 CFU/ug DNA
Transformation efficiency = 2000 Transformants / ug DNA
= 2 x 10³ Transformants / ug DNA
Efficiency of transformation is highest in the 100 pg-1 ng range, so Low transformation efficiency could be because of high amount of DNA used for transformation.
13 is products and for 14 i cant see the whole diagram