The difference would be that Mercury has a denser, warmer atmosphere and Earth has a not that dense and gassy atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere also has a lot of layers while Mercury's doesn't. Those would be the reasons for them both being different. Hope this helped!
Gel electrophoresis separates fragments on the basis of weight and electric charge. Heavier and/or positively charged fragments don't go as far as lighter and/or negatively charged ones.
Top right one, metaphase is where the chromosomes are lined up in the middle (metaphase=middle)
They made the cell theory, concluding that all living things are made of cells.
The teacher most likely asked for additional trials because it was necessary to see data from more plants before the conclusion could be accepted.
- Any experiment should have multiple trials given so that accuracy of the result could be obtained.
- Repeating same experiments tests the consistency of a particular result and makes sure that the results will not be effected by random events occurring within the system or surrounding.
- Thus the conclusion becomes more precise and accurate.