A. populations that colonize new habitats
In what populations does exponential growth tend to occur?
A. populations that colonize new habitats
B. populations that experience intense competition
C. populations that experience high rates of predation
D. populate that have surpassed their carrying capacity
Practices. Kirats practice shamanism and their rituals are mostly related to the worship of Mother Nature, ancestors, sun, moon, wind, fire and main pillar of house. Almost all sacred rituals, in Rai, are performed by nakchong, the Rai tribal priest
for invention of writing:
messages on your phone, your's text books, note books, diary, any written messages on any packages for information and guidance, doctor's prescription, teacher's comments and marking of your test papers , road signs and information along road sides for guidance, all are possible due to invention of writing.
For invention of wheels:
all vehicles are able to run due to invention of wheels