LCM stands for Least Common Multiple.
The LCM of two numbers is the lowest number that can divide into the two original numbers.
For most numbers, you can find the LCM by simply multiplying the two numbers:

The LCM of 7 and 13 will be 91.
Step-by-step explanation:
Hey Beebzie
Dang he part of 20m trees? And is Alex a he or she, we'll never know, so I'll just refer to Alex as "it" to not gender appropriate anyone.
So it gets paid 2.25 for one tree. It planted 437 tress.
We take 2.25 x 437 to know the amount of money earned for all trees it planted.
The answer is $983.25, or A. I don't want to gender appropriate the letter "A" either because it could be option 1 or a different letter so I'll just say the answer again to not be sexist, $983.25
Use Ga_thMath(u) (brainly doesn't allow me to type it) To use the app u need to take a pic of the problem and then it will process it and you'll get ur answer ASAP(most of the time). Many questions have been asked before so search it on brainly.
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Step-by-step explanation: