Personal Main Question:
"Notice a product that you buy. Explain how color in the label or packaging influenced you to choose that
product over another brand. "
Labels may be extremely bold, and that already grabs a lot of attention. If the packages are bright & colorful, you're most likely going to buy it, because it excites you in many ways.
Many times on art packages, the color or color name, or even both, are displayed on the sides of the box, and that's where the price normally is, so you're going to see it no matter what.
It draws much attention, too.
Usually when I write my songs, I hum or sing the rhythm I like. Record the rhythm and then add in some lyrics. I play around with words that rhythm or some that don't. I use this layout for my songs verse, pre-chorus, chorus, bridge, verse, pre chorus, and then chorus. Really song writing is just what ever you feel like it. Another thing that helps me get my mind going is singing about whatever is around me like this morning. I saw a little dandelion and just made a small jiggle.
Answer : The sentence correctly uses the word sordid is:
_ The girl found all of the sordid tasks of cleaning to be uninteresting and menial.