1. Propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.
2. Information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.
3. Citizens have a fear of the outside world.
4. Citizens live in a dehumanized state.
5. The society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world.
The passage in the question is from the very first paragraph of the text of Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron", a novel about a dystopian world. This excerpt shows the perceived "perfect utopian world' whereas the citizens still seem to be under the constant threat of being 'punished'.
The passage is also an example of the characteristics of a dystopic world that is the setting of the story. Here, propaganda is used as a means to control the citizens, with the restriction of the information and various other independent thoughts. This led to the fear and reluctance of the citizens in associating with the outside world, and the dehumanization of the perceived perfect society. All these is an illusion that the society they are living is the perfect utopian world.
The War Department was the United Kingdom government department responsible for the supply of equipment to the armed forces of the United Kingdom and the pursuance of military activity.
The naming of a Jewish child is a most profound spiritual moment. The Sages say that naming a baby is a statement of her character, her specialness, and her path in life. For at the beginning of life we give a name, and at the end of life a "good name" is all we take with us. (see Talmud – Brachot 7b; Arizal – Sha'ar HaGilgulim 24b)
Further, the Talmud tells us that parents receive one-sixtieth of prophecy when picking a name. An angel comes to the parents and whispers the Jewish name that the new baby will embody.
Yet this still doesn't seem to help parents from agonizing over which name to pick!
So how do we choose a name? And why is the father's name traditionally not given to a son – e.g. Jacob Cohen Jr., Isaac Levy III? Can a boy be named after a female relative? Can the name be announced before the Bris?
Jewish Customs
Naming a Jewish baby is not only a statement of what we hope she will be, but also where she comes from.
Ashkenazi Jews have the custom of naming a child after a relative who has passed away. This keeps the name and memory alive, and in a metaphysical way forms a bond between the soul of the baby and the deceased relative. This is a great honor to the deceased, because its soul can achieve an elevation based on the good deeds of the namesake. The child, meanwhile, can be inspired by the good qualities of the deceased – and make a deep connection to the past. (Noam Elimelech - Bamidbar) from