The citadel is a term that indicates the strongest fortified, usually the central part of a fort, a stronghold. A space located inside the city, yet separated. The term was derived from the Italian citadel in the early modern age, meaning "small town".
The citadel was often located inside or on the outskirts of the city and most often formed the last core of defense in a single fortress. Citadels from the early modern century, as a rule, had a regular polygon in the floor plan.
Manuel Belgrano was a procer of Argentina.
He was a lawyer and participated in the May revolution and in the independence of Argentina against the Spanish.
In turn, I face great struggles together with Mariano Moreno and José de San Martín.
He was in charge of managing the troops of Northern Argentina where he fought right there and contributed to the liberation of Peru.
But one of the reasons that makes him most recognized is that he has always worked in the right to knowledge of the Argentine people, that is why he specialized in Europe and promoted the education of the country regarding his intellect.
Manuel Blegrano today is highly recognized in Argentina, respected as a procer, and most of his memories are respected in the Argentine national anthem and in the house of Tucuman that remains in the province of Tucuman, Argentina.
He was born in the province of Buenos Aires and was not only a lawyer as he was named, but also a military man, journalist, diplomat and economist.
The environmental impacts considered for the present review were air pollution, noise pollution, water and soil contamination, the degradation of agriculture resources and the loss of agricultural land and vegetation.