A tsunami is a sea wave usually generated by earthquake activity on the ocean floor. The earthquake has to be such that it displaces a massive amount of water thus triggering the wave. Tsunamis have more energy than a regular wave and so it will not break on the shore but can travel kilometers in land before doing so. Tsunamis will travel furthest on topography that is relatively flat or gently undulating like that of a coastal plain.
Answer:anti anxiety medication
This would help them deal with their feelings or fear
he hoped to prevent futurewars
<u>Demand for goods and services in an economy is affected by consumer preferences and / or price of products. The exercise deals only with the increase or decrease in demand due to preferences.
Preferences are based on tastes, conventions and information about the consumption of products. If a preference increases consumption, the demand curve shifts to the right. (type 2). If preferences decrease demand, the demand curve shifts to the left (type 1).
Non-price determinant causing the demand to decrease
more people embreance an oil free diet
Non-price determinant causing the demand to increase
more people use oil for skin and hair care
doctor recommend the use of saffower seed oil
new reports about benefits
The Hammurabi code was appropriate for checking the impunity of that era, where the poor and the weak lived at the mercy of the strong and wealthy.Some aspects however are no longer applicable with the modern conception of justice and fairness. For example,binding creditors to sell their wives and children to repay their debts is no longer practical but also cruel.