I think the answers are B & E
They later became the United States constitution
The increase of technology used during the construction of the railroads and factories is considered the second Industrial Revolution. This is because of the many inventions and help of transportation use. Hope this helps.
The conflict between Henry IV and Gregory VII concerned the question of who got to appoint local church officials. Henry believed that, as king, he had the right to appoint the bishops of the German church.
Yes, the conflict was resolved. In 1077, Henry traveled to Canossa in northern Italy, where the Pope was staying in the castle of Countess Matilda, to apologize in person and to be punished for his sins he wore a hair shirt and stood barefoot in the snow in what has become known as the Walk to Canossa, then the excommunication was lifted.
Henry was again excommunicated 3 years later because, the Pope supported Rudolf of Rheinfelden a rival king.
It casued the great rural-urban mirgration of farmers to the cities looking for new jobs and led to the develpment of many technologies like penecillin, a commen vacine