and then I saw it. something covered in dust. was it a human? standing in my room. what was it? was he going to speak stood still as he stared at me for a few minutes? did he think I was a statue from a museum or a doll in the shops?
I looked at him again, he was covered in some black dust. he was wearing ripped shorts and a t-shirt. I kind of felt bad for him because he didn't look like he had many privileges like I do. he looked like he hadn't eaten for hours. a few minutes later we heard it was my mom coming to check if I was awake because I just had taken my afternoon nap.
then he climbed the chimney. I looked outside my window and saw him running away. I thought to myself will I ever see him again?
I believe it is "As a noun phrase". I may be wrong, it was a while since I've done this stuff.
42.6 minutes / 5 miles
42.6 / 5 = 8.52
It took Alfonso 8 minutes and 52 seconds to run a mile