just tell the truth and say IM sorry for not doing the assignment can u give me more time
trust me it worked
Answer is
A. Present was given to me
B. The bill will be brought to us
C. Some sweets were bought to mary by her mother
D. A second hand car was sold to Ted by Bob
E. Letter is going to be sent to Tom by Larry
Post the options and I'll help you out.
Jargon is the terminology of special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
Answer: She
A pronoun is something that replaces a noun like for instance take a table. If you have mentioned a table many times and it is getting a bit repetitive, use the word it instead of table. The same here happens for the word she. Let’s say her name was Linda. Linda went to the shop. Linda watched TV. Linda fell asleep. It’s a bit repetitive. So you would say Linda went to the shop. She watched TV. She sell asleep.
Hope this helps! :)
Which is the underlined one?