Here's more than 100
Muhammad, or Mohammed, (born c. 570, Mecca, Arabia—died June 8, 632, Medina), Arab prophet who established the religion of Islam. The son of a merchant of the ruling tribe, he was orphaned at age six. He married a rich widow, Khadījah, with whom he had six children, including Fāṭimah, a daughter. According to tradition, in 610 he was visited by the angel Gabriel, who informed Muhammad that he was the messenger of God. His revelations and teachings, recorded in the Qurʾān, are the basis of Islam. He began to preach publicly c. 613, urging the rich to give to the poor and calling for the destruction of idols. He gained disciples but also acquired enemies, whose plan to murder Muhammad forced him to flee Mecca for Medina in 622. This flight, known as the Hijrah, marks the beginning of the Islamic era. Muhammad’s followers defeated a Meccan force in 624; they suffered reverses in 625 but repelled a Meccan siege of Medina in 627. He won control of Mecca by 629 and of all Arabia by 630. He made his last journey to Mecca in 632, establishing the rites of the hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca. He died later that year and was buried at Medina. His life, teachings, and miracles have been the subjects of Muslim devotion and reflection ever since.
A hypothesis must be testable in order to be termed a scientific hypothesis.
A hypothesis is almost a theory in that it needs to be tested in order to become a true scientific hypothesis. These tests have to be the same every time, meaning that the hypothesis has to yield the same results each time it is tested.
I'm sorry if this paragraph leans less in his favor, it's just who I am.
Donald J. Trump's reaction to the lockdown was to say it was fake, and continue to have rallies. "Stay calm, it will go away. You know it -- you know it is going away, and it will go away, and we're going to have a great victory." Mr. Trump says in march. His response to Biden trying to lockdown the country was negative. He recently got Coronavirus, so Mr. Trump is being a little more careful, and actually getting it opened his eyes to how bad the country is actually suffering.
Both A and C
A. To memorize dates, people, and events
C. To recognize historical patterns
If you have to choose one, I would go with C.