St. Veronica. St. Veronica, (flourished 1st century ce, Jerusalem; feast day July 12), renowned legendary woman who, moved by the sight of Christ carrying his cross to Golgotha, gave him her kerchief to wipe his brow, after which he handed it back imprinted with the image of his face.
St. Veronica was canonized on July 12, 1885. St. Veronica was born in the 1st Century AD in either Caesarea Philippi or Jerusalem. She was known for The Veil of Veronica which she wiped Jesus's face with on the way of the cross. St. Veronica died during the 1st Century AD and she was canonized on July 12, 1885.
They were born in Caesarea Philippi
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i use to but i am retired i was a pro and i was good till the wolf came lost all my fans and my wife and kids i may be registered as a 12 year old but an am 27 years old