Frank felt ill, because he ate too many hot dogs.
<span>The parts that explicitly support that ideal are where he says that he calls "not upon a few, but upon all" and where he says that "the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it." To me, that is saying that he is calling upon everyone to potentially sacrifice their life to obtain a goal that they believe is worth that cost.</span>
The bird continues to visit his mother once a year and this time he meets her in Tokyo. Shizuka Wantabe guards the secret that her son is alive amid silence with rumors about the birds life, Meanwhile in america in September 1949, Cynthia attends a Reverend Billy Graham revival in LA. She comes away changed. She decides to talk her husband out of divorce and talks Billy into going to hear Graham. Louie resists and eventually gives in, always leaving church services early and angry. One night after hearing Graham talk he feels Christ is talking to him and Louie becomes Christian . He, like Cynthia is changed.
that would be overworking ineffectively
Traditionally, indigenous comes from the Latin word indigena (indu/endo: in/within + gignere: to beget (to procreate or generate). But here we are simply looking at roots. The root words here are -gen (something produced, and by extension, birth) and -ous (possessing/full of), and that combination is not an option, it seems. HOWEVER, it is not uncommon for suffixes to have more than one meaning, and this is no exception. -ous also means 'having, full of, or characterized by', meaning your answer is the second option, 'the word root “gen” means “birth,” and the suffix “-ous” means “having the quality of something.”'