The answer is ethnocentrism.
Ethnocentrism is defined as the idea that one's own culture is superior to others, especially regarding aspects such as culture, language and customs.
The phenomenon is believed to be a learned behaviour. It can be explained because a person that has resided in a certain country or area for a long time has probably acquired its predominant values and ideas. This is called acculturation.
Ethnocentism in the extreme can lead to hostile attitudes towards out-groups and discrimination.
Yellow River (Huang He River)
Answer: Praetorians found Claudius cowering behind a curtain after they assassinated his nephew Caligula. They were in the process of ransacking the palace, but instead of killing Claudius, they recognized him as the brother of their much loved Germanicus and persuaded Claudius to take the throne. The Senate had been at work finding a new successor, but the praetorians again imposed their will.
The new emperor bought the continued allegiance of the praetorian guard.
One of Claudius' wives, Messalina, had produced an heir known as Britannicus, but Claudius' last wife, Agrippina, persuaded Claudius to adopt her son — whom we know as Nero — as heir.
The invisible hand
The invisible hand is a concept by Englishman Adam Smith as he argues that free markets are the main cause of welfare among the nations he observes as rich. He states that the decisions are taken under competition and the free market will be motivated by self-interest and will ultimately promote social interest . When industries and consumers and producers want to maximize their profits they will inevitably improve the society-s general well being.
To decide whether an undertaking is sound we must calculate carefully. —Ludwig von Mises, SocialismThe socialist calculation debate has been ... system would have to find cheap ways to do things in a world without ... that socialism cannot possibly work as well as a capitalist economy.