Opportunity costs are defined as the additional costs or benefits lost from choosing one activity or investment over another alternative. It is a relative concept because you cannot be 100% sure that the other investments or activities would have yielded a specific gain.
For example, when you calculate the economic cost of starting your own business, you consider your current salary as an opportunity cost. But what happens if you get fired (or the company closes), your opportunity cost would have been $0? Or how can you exactly measure your future salaries? Maybe in a couple of years you get promoted to manager, or maybe not?
The same applies to economies, since the opportunity cost of producing certain tradable goods is not always fixed, it might decrease or increase due to productivity or efficiency changes. But in order to calculate or determine we must include the most probable option.
In microeconomics, a strictly convex production possibilities frontier function must include a combination of both goods. In strict convexity, the second derivative f''(x) ˃ 0, so the PFF curve cannot be straight, it must have a slope.
When we calculate the opportunity costs of PPF, we usually try to determine which product has the lowest opportunity cost, but that is not an interior solution because both goods are not being produced (the curve is not strictly convex). On a strictly convex curve, as you approach the extremes the opportunity cost of producing one good is high, but on the center the opportunity cost is much lower.
In marketing, when we are analizing the market segmentation we can divide in 4 categories.
Global Citizens and Global Dreamers are both positive toward international brands.
Global Citizens are concerned with corporate responsibility toward local country while Global Dreamers are less concerned.
The global agnostics don’t base decisions on origin of brand.
And the Antiglobals are negative toward international brands. John was skeptical about the quality of the goods because of the origin of the brand.
Dependent variables are variables which are altered by the changes to the independent factors or variables.
The following are instances of dependent and independent variables:
Dependent Variable (DV): Profit, Product Quality, Staff Attrition during a recession.
Profit (DV) depends on sales, expenses, the economy, the proficiency of the sales staff, the quality of the product.
The Quality of the Product (DV) depends on the production process, product design, quality of raw materials etc
So, many of the factors highlighted above, which affect the dependent variables are called Independent variable.
Profit, for instance, can be forecasted or changed IF changes are made to sales.
It is possible to measure the quality of a product or service. It can also be altered by increasing or decreasing the quality of raw material input.
There is a significant difference in small firms leadership compared to large firms depending on legal structures, number of employees in a firm and financial availability.
Large firms have more departments, employees, and operations compared to small ones. For instance, the leadership style and structure required to manage operations and employees in large firms will need to be highly structured to ensure there is effective command and information flow. For small firms, a simple command and communication flow structure will suffice as the number of employees and departments involved are few.
The global and national economic indicaters. For example stability amd law and order. If the conditions for business are less suitable,people will not invest. That means there will be less money available. To utilize the unused funds, the central bank may lower the interest rate to make borrowing easier and savings difficult