The founding fathers tie property qualifications to voting, thinking that a power belongs to them.
It is the simple answer that someone could demonstrate as an excuse of power and more qualifications be given.
This is what they expected; the unique factor of political, social and economic qualifications to be taken and belong to them with a persistent dominated way against the minorities.
Acts recommended by Grant and imposed by Congress to try to protect black voters from intimidation and violence
The three bills passed by the United States Congress between 1870 and 1871 are the Enforcement Acts. They were criminal codes which covered the African-Americans' right to vote, to hold office, to be on the favor of the juries, and receive equal protection of laws.
This is my original answer:
Being a skilled and active reader leads to success. Many jobs involve reading important things. Like a meeting for example. You are also keeping your memory in shape.
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Huh ? Is that a question ?