Pumbakhayon was just as skilled in the arts of war and magic as Aliguyon. ... In the three years of their non-stop fight, neither of them showed signs of weariness and defeat, causing Aliguyon and Pumbakhayon to develop respect and admiration for each other. With their realization came the end of their fight.
hope it helps u.
Because he wanted to show how the worldview is different for different generations.
In "Times Have Changed," we can see how different perspectives, thoughts, and even grandson and grandson perspectives are different, even if they are looking at the same things and the same elements. The author does this to show that there are no right or wrong opinions between these two characters, but different opinions due to the generations they belong to. In summary, the author states that different generations think and see the world in different ways because they were lived in different ways, which makes them have constructions of thoughts that are completely different from each other.
UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights