One theme in The Prince is human nature. Machiavelli has a rather bleak view of humanity in that he believes that it is dangerous for a prince to win the love of his subjects.
Slate is much more commonly found in wet areas, especially around rivers in the United States, so it wouldn't be very available to Natives who were more inland.
The Whiskey Rebellion was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791 and ending in 1794 during the presidency of George Washington, ultimately under the command of American Revolutionary war veteran Major James McFarlane.
Whiskey Rebellion (1794) Revolt against the US government in w Pennsylvania. It was provoked by a tax on whisky, and was the first serious challenge to federal authority. Collection of the tax met violent resistance, but when President Washington called out the militia, the rebellion collapsed.
Oklahoma served as a transportation corridor for their rival military and economic ventures.
This is because it was situated at the border, that is on the northern fringe of Spanish exploration of North America and on the western fringe of French exploration