They wrote a new constitution.
The Roman empire was well organized with good roads & active trade, so the new religion could spread easily. Constantine was a sun worshipper who feigned Christianity so he could take control and throw out it's one and only goal
Through forming labour unions.
With the wake in industrialization in britain, human labour in industries was needed than never before.
However, with time workers realised a number of challenges in their work.
This led to formation of labour unions to fight for their grievances which were:
- Low wages
- Unsafe working conditions.
This started as local unios then to national.
Most of this unions used strikes to prompt employers to meet their wants.
The British was able to win the Seven Years wars through;
• Proper leadership through William Pitt who invested heavily in the war by increasing his control on North America. Louis XV of France was more occupied with his wife and court proceedings that diverted his attention on the colonies.
• Application of a different global strategy-William Pitt invested more money and resources in the conflict in the colonies.
• There was collaboration with authorities-Local authorities were granted control over supplies and recruitment of soldiers.
• British were having a better navy and controlled most of the harbors.
• The British had large numbers of soldiers and better resources.
To transfer their religion to the new colonies, also they were teaching the language and how these "uncivilized" people to live and acts as westerners