B. False
This is because the ones mentioned are sort of like purposes of the conversations.
This symbolizes the obstacles that people face in real life because if you think about it like this you cannot write a essay without writing utensils so therefore in order to get through you must face your challenges in order to live life hope that was good enough for you!
Not quite there! :)
"If you have a natural talent like dancing, singing, touching your nose to your tongue or anything you could make someone smile. We all need it this time of the year."
You see, first off; you can't physically touch your nose to your tongue, it should be "Touching your tongue to your nose". :)
I would add in the phrase, "Such as" instead of "Like" to make it ring better!
Next I would change "or anything you could make someone smile" to: "or anything you could use to make someone smile". Using the words "USE" and "TO" help get the meaning across.
"If you have a natural talent such as dancing, singing, touching your tongue to your nose or anything you could use to make someone smile; we can all use it this time of the year."
In this case, it may flow better! :)
The family will pay for their feud with their children's lives