It’s almost impossible to ignore the impact that “soccer” has on different countries, around the world. In America, winning or losing a football match isn’t life or death. But the rest of the world feels differently. In fact, football — as it’s known everywhere else around the world — can mean life or death.
The influence of football on a country’s people doesn’t always result in a favorable outcome, though. In North Korea for example, the outcome is public shaming.
The red sea.
The Red Sea is an important trade route between the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans, thus between Europe and Asia.
When a stretch of coastline is formed from different types of rock, headlands and bays can form. ... When the softer rock is eroded inwards, the hard rock sticks out into the sea, forming a headland . Erosional features such as wave-cut platforms and cliffs can be found on headlands, since they are more open to the waves.
Answer: B.
The Moon's Mantle is too cold to move easily, and has no convection and no active tectonic plate motions, due to the Moon's smaller size and colder temperature than the Earth.