Adiabatic process
a process in which an air parcel does not mix with its environment or exchange energy with its environment
1.1 Jupiter is named after a roman god of the light and sky.
1.2 Jupiter is 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets combined.
1.3 The Romans called this planet Jupiter because it was the largest object in the sky.
2.1 Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
2.2 Jupiter's Giant Red Spot was first photographed on March 5th, 1979.
3.1 Jupiter Has 67 Moons.
3.2 Jupiter Is The Fastest Spinning Planet In The Solar System.
3.3 Jupiter Has Rings.
4.the atmosphere of Jupiter is made up of mostly hydrogen gas and helium gas.
Layers of the soil are called horizons. Here are the horizons:
- Humus
- Topsoil
- Subsoil
- Fragmented rock
- Bedrock
Once a soil has developed, it forms layers called horizons. Beneath a surface layer of a plant remains, the topsoil is rich in decomposed plants and animal matter. The subsoil is mainly mineral particles, with much less organic material. The fragmented rock/bedrock is primarily small stones, and beneath it lies all bedrock.
Hope this answer helps you!