Japan's success in modernization has created great interest in why and how it was able to adopt Western political, social, and economic institutions in so short a time. One answer is found in the Meiji Restoration itself. ... They moved quickly, however, to build their own military and economic control.
Exposition is the part of the plot structure that introduces the charachters and setting.
It is dramatic irony, blind people cannot see so they will never see these emojis
Introduced is a regular verb because all you did was add -ed at the end. Good luck!
<em>Conversational Speech Style</em>
A conversational speech style is meant to be more fluid and conveys any message to the audience.
A conversational style of speech includes components of dialogue:
- <em>stories from first hand, exaggerated with vibrant details;
- <em>views or conclusions drawn from actual life experiences</em>