<span>Streptococcus is a genus of coccus (spherical) Gram-positive bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes[3] and the order Lactobacillales (lactic acid bacteria). Cell division in this genus occurs along a single axis in these bacteria, thus they grow in chains or pairs, hence the name—from Greekstreptos, meaning easily bent or twisted, like a chain (twisted chain). Contrast this with staphylococci, which divide along multiple axes and generate grape-like clusters of cells.)</span>
Phloem cells are conducting vessels that are found in vascular plant. They are used in the transport of photosynthate produce during photosynthesis from the source of production to other parts of the body.
It consist of sieve elements, which are the conducting vessel that aids transport of sugar round the body. They are very active before maturity at mature they are no longer in use.
Companion cells are used in replacement of sieve element at maturity, they function in metabolism together with the sieve tube Translocation is the transport or movement of sugar round the body.
Girdlings is the removal of the bark of a plant this can inhibit active transport of food.
Non-reducing sugar are monosacharrides such as glucose that are produce and transported round the body of the plant.
P-protein are found in the plants sap usually in large amount in the sieve elements.
A bacteria basically, smaller than a eukaryotic cell, can't be animal or plant cell and is less complex
Its called the Electric current <span />
Hydrogen isn’t one of the primary macronutrients