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To regulate water balance in the body
The kidneys are two bean shaped renal organs which perform a host of functions for the body such as regulating fluid balance, filtering minerals from the blood etc. Among their functions is the regulation of water balance in the body through the antidiuretic hormone.
When an athlete completes a physical activity and sweats a lot, the kidney reacts to the loss of water by sweat by adjusting urine output causing the body to produce lower and more concentrated urine.
When water evaporates, the salt is left behind. The fresh water vapor that condenses into clouds, with many of which drift over land.
Sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis minor, scalenes
During normal inhalation, contraction of the diaphragm and the contraction of external intercostals expands the chest cavity. The increased volume of the thoracic cavity results in reduced alveolar pressure than the atmospheric pressure to facilitate the flow of air into the lungs in response to the pressure gradient.
During deep inhalation as it occurs when running up the stairs, the accessory muscles of inhalation also participate to increase the volume of the chest cavity. The contraction of scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles increase the volume of the chest cavity further to create a greater drop in alveolar pressure.
During forceful inhalation, the sternocleidomastoid muscles serve to elevate the sternum, the scalene muscles serve to elevate the first two ribs while the pectoralis minor elevate the third through fifth ribs.
Autotrophs <span>produce their food by absorbing the sun's radiation</span>