Explanation:Departmentalization is defined as a process that groups activities into different departments. These departments are created so that tasks can be performed by specialization within the organization.
Departmentalization also refers to an organization’s formal structure that includes several departments and positions and their respective relationship with each other.
The Anti-Federalists were afraid of a too powerful central government and refused to endorse the 1787 Constitution. They preferred a looser confederation like the one created by the Articles of Confederation. On the other side, the Federalists proposed and believed in a strong federal government. James Madison was a Federalist and one of the authors of the Federalist Papers.
Federal income taxes support the economy because all the money collected by tax payers, goes back into the country, wether it's national parks, judicial courts, or even the military, all the tax payer money is spent for the people of America. Also, the tax payer money can be put into use for welfare, which promotes the general welfare, making America's third class cititzens have the funds they need to survive free lives in America.