Correct answer: A). The current hypothesis of the evolutionary relationships between organisms
The tree of life is a metaphor that expresses the idea that how life is related to ancestors. Charles Darwin first uses this in the modern biology. It is an evolutionary tree that depicts the relationship between various biological entity. It holds the data that are collected from RNA, DNA and protein analysis. It shows the current hypothesis about the evolutionary relationship among the taxa.
Hence, the correct answer would be option A.
The Coriolis Effect can be seen in action in the general circulation of the atmosphere. The winds at all latitudes to the north of 0° deflect to the right of their intended path in the Northern Hemisphere. The Coriolis Effect does not impact the wind speed, only the wind direction.
The central element for all living things is carbon, which is why you might often hear the phrase "carbon-based" lifeforms. Another term is often "organic matter"