Yes. Animals and humans have instincts. Every creature does. Most of the time offspring are born in populations that are thriving so their young and their genes can be passed on.
Viruses are <u>non - living things</u> that can only survive and reproduce by infecting living cells.
<u>Host</u> is an organism that shelters and nourishes others.
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The soil and rocks in the zone of aeration have pores which are partially filled with water and air. The zone of saturation comprises rocks and soil whose pores are saturated with water. 3. The zone of saturation lies beneath the water table, while the zone of aeration lies above it.
Multicellular eukaryotes evolved from unicellular prokaryotes by the process of endosymbiosis
All living beings have evolved from three groups of animals closely related with each other.Domains: Archaea,bacteria and eukarya.the archaea and bacteria are unicellular organism surrounded by single cell water and and coiled stand of DNA. Eukaryotic cells are more complex and with a linear strand of DNA which is in the nucleus. Actually mitochondria which had evolved from a free living bacterium which was swallowed by another cell. The host cell benefited from the chemical energy that mitochondria produced and mitochondria in turn is benefited to be inside the protected environment. Mitochondria is the main organelle which the multicellular eukaryotes with unicellular prokaryotes.
Answer: Transcription is the synthesis of RNA from DNA while Translation is the synthesis of a protein from RNA.