"rule of thumb," or simple habit and common sense, and instead use the scientific method to study work and determine the most efficient way to perform specific tasks.
Private property
Realising the extinction of the entire community, the elders of the colony decided to try something radically different: the introduction of private property and the right of the individual families to keep the fruits of their own labor.
The Plymouth Colony experienced a great bounty of food. Private ownership meant that there was now a close link between work and reward. Industry became the order of the day as the men and women in each family went to the fields on their separate private farms. When the harvest time came, not only did many families produce enough for their own needs, but they had surpluses that they could freely exchange with their neighbors for mutual benefit and improvement.
Answer: The Scopes Monkey Trial is also called The Scopes Trial. This scope was prosecuted in 1925 by a science teacher John Scopes for the teaching evolution in the school Tennessee public school which further made an illegal bill.
Scopes was not sure that he taught the subject clearly and right but he was sure that the material that he has been used is related to the evolution. But later on, John was charged for violating the Butler Act.
A. He insisted on neutrality until the United States was provoked by German actions.
They both wanted to stand up for freedom and its principles.