Its a street in the central Barcelona? not sure if correct just asumming
Puto te, Caesarem, hoc sensisse.
I think that you, Caesar, is the common view.
Audio Caesarem hodie (today) perventurum esse.
Caesar day (today) to reach.
Dux Romanus dixit milites Caesaris venturos esse.
The Roman soldiers were said to come.
Scio filiam Iuliam a patre Caesare amari.
I know the daughter Iuliam is loved by her father Caesar.
Scivi copias (troops) Caesaris ab militibus inimicorum visas esse.
I knew that the forces (troops) to be seen of the enemy, the soldiers of Caesar, from the.
Wow, social media have an effect on her
its kinda hard when you suddenly stop using social media because you et addictive and what I would tell her to do is to reduce the amount of the time that she spends on social media and connect with the exterior world