Answer:Aged cheeses
Explanation:Aged cheeses are rich in tyramine, which interacts with MAO inhibitors to raise blood pressure to life-threatening levels. Patients taking MAO inhibitors should be taught to avoid tyramine-rich foods. Chianti wine contains tyramine, but other alcoholic beverages do not. Brussels sprouts and cabbage are foods rich in vitamin K, which can interfere with the effects of warfarin. Grapefruit juice inhibits CYP3A4 and interferes with the metabolism of many medications.
The answer to the statement: At rest, most of the body´s blood supply resides in the pulmonary loop, would be, B: False.
The circulatory system never stops working. Pumping of blood, transportation of oxygen, nutrients and water to and from tissues is a process that does not end, even during sleep. The only moment when this process does not happen, is in death. However, a good question is, where does the blood go, or stay, when the body is not active, like for example, during sleep. And the answer is that most of it will rest on the systemic veins and venules and will slowly circulate back to the heart, but at a much lower rate than when the body activates itself. However, what is not true is that blood will reside mostly in the pulmonary loop, because this loop does not have the capacity to store that much blood.
The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth and ends in the small intestine.
The absorption of carbohydrates, depending on whether they are simple or complex, will begin their digestion in the mouth by the action of saliva in food, where starches are initially separated; Once this food bolus reaches the stomach, the hydrochloric acid acts, to end later in the small intestine. Amylase, a component of pancreatic juice, ends the digestive process of carbohydrates by transforming starches into maltose, which are then transformed into monisacarides (glucose, galactose, fructose), which is the way they are absorbed by the body. In the liver they are again transformed into glucose.
Raise the head of the bed to sitting position.
The original weight is 4.
20%= 1/5 if u don’t know the percentage then u can simply by doing..
20/100 then u divide it. U can do this by any other numbers such as 2, 4,5,10 and 20. U can do which ever way u like but i would recommend doing it either by 10 or 20.
So if we divide it by 20 we do...
20/100 divided by 20= 1/5
20/100 divided by 10= 2/10
2/10 divided by 2 = 1/5
You can see the bigger the number that fits in is faster, although u can do it any way u feel like doing.
So we have got 1/5 from 20%. Now we do...
1/5 divided by 20. So when we do this, we use the bottom number to divide it and the top number to times it.
1/5 u could use as 20 divided by 5..
Then 1 times the number that u get from ur before sum.
The answer is 4.
Because 1/5= 20 divided by 5 = 4
Since we have a 1 left we do..
4 times 1 which is... 4.
( u don’t need to show these parts in doing ur working, but i am doing these so they can help u understand)
So the answer is 4 and is the original weight.
I hope this is clear and helps u! :D