The purpose of Hajj is to promote fellowship and equality to Muslims and people from all around the world who worship God. A tradition and condition to visit the Ka'ba, a holy site in Makkah, is to wear simple, white clothing for five days.
The Justinian Code supported a women's right to inherit property.
Fearing that the issue might disrupt the Republic, he argued for the doctrine of popular sovereignty-the right of the people of a state or territory to decide the slavery question for themselves-as a Union-saving formula. He led the fight in Congress for the Compromise of 1850.
The original purpose was similar to the purpose it has today. I think the words criminal justice system speaks for itself. A criminal justice system is made for criminal justice. Criminals are people who violate a systems laws and regulations. This harms not only others but a created system of regulation itself. There has to be justice for criminals- this really benefits them in the end.