As i chase the dog down the street, it feels like its getting father and father away. I feel the hard concrete beneath my feet. All i hear is the sound of the rain pattering against the ground. As i run as fast as my legs can, I slowly catch up to the dog. We ran past old houses. As the lightning struck, i jumped on the dog and bit it's neck. It died instantly. AS i slowly dragged the body out of the street, I felt very hungry. I bit and scratched at the dog until his body ripped open. i ate like i haven't eaten in days. I chewed on the bones and licked the blood as if it was water. I left the dog's carcass there and walked into the dark woods. Never looking back.
8 is A
it's a machine..............
I have no joy of this contract to-night:It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;Too like the lightning, which doth cease to beHow art thou out of breath, when thou hast breathTo say to me that thou art out of breath?