During the Bear Flag Revolt, from June to July 1846, a small group of American settlers in California rebelled against the Mexican government and proclaimed California an independent republic. The republic was short-lived because soon after the Bear Flag was raised, the U.S. military began occupying California, which went on to join the union in 1850. The Bear Flag became the official state flag in 1911.
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So Japan had a period of moderniziation (The Meiji Restoration Period) where they developed rapidly and managed to get a military and navy similar to the major powers. However, they weren't seen as equals to the Europeans. Now they weren't colonized because, they did isolate themselves but when they were forced out of isolation, they knew they had to modernize or they'll become like the Qing Dynasty (modern day china) and have imperial powers take advantage of them and there lands. So unlike Africa, Japan actually had a realistic chance of defending themselves from invaders, something that would make invading Japan costly. Not only that, but after 1900 it would be almost impossible to treat the Japanese like they did to Africa, as they rapidly grew a European like military and navy. Also, they were one of the 11 nations that sent troops to Peking in the boxer rebellion, which kind of showed how the Japanese weren't equal to the Qing Dynasty, at least in terms of military and navy as they were shown to be much stronger. Finally in 1904, the Russo-Japanese war begun, and while Russia had the largest army in the world at that time (in terms of troop count) the Japanese managed to invade Manchuria which was partially owned by the Russians at that time. Also, they destroyed the Russian naval fleet, ending the chance of Russia ever being able to invade Japan again (at least until WW2). So after the Russo-Japanese war, Japan was considered a great power, and most likely the next asian hegemony, which they were for a time in WW2.
The U.S. able to send men to the moon before U.S.S.R.
The following not true is The U.S. able to send men to the moon before U.S.S.R.
The two correct answers are Option A and Option C.
It was first introduced in Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points and it was established to encourage peace negotiations as World War I came to an end and afterward. Woodrow Wilson was the President of the United States and the League of Nations was his idea, but he could not get the United States Congress to approve membership for the United States due to isolationist beliefs among the representatives. Wilson's health also began to decline so he was unable to make strong personal appeals to the US Congress in favor of the treaty.