1. Employment rate
2. Real Earnings
Coincident indicators are indicators or pointers that help define the actual situation or predict the possible outcome of a given state or country's economic performance over a given period.
Various coincident indicators can be used by economists to determine the economic state of a place, some of which include: employment, real earnings, average working hours, average wages and salaries, and the unemployment rate and among many others.
Hence, in this case, two coincident indicators used in forecasting are: Employment and Real Earnings
Predicate adjective. because that's the answer
Historians have not been able to trace Hannibal's <span>itinerary </span>over the Alps; the bones of the elephants that died on the route have not been found.
Answer: what’s the question what is it?
ain't it the map?
bc the map was 'of no use'?