yes of course. If you miss too many days(10) you can be held back. It will not matter if your absentee are excused or not.
For his kind treatment of Silenus Midas was rewarded by Dionysus with a wish. The king wished that all he touched might turn to gold, but when his food became gold and he nearly starved to death as a result, he realized his error. ... When Midas decided against Apollo, the god changed his ears into those of an donkey
Artificial is something that is simulated or made by humans, not by nature
the answer is one morning
No, the sentence given:
"<span>i came home late; therefore, i didnt see aunt matildia" — is NOT punctuated correctly.
The word: "didnt" should be replaced with: "didn't" (note the added "apostrophe")—or rewritten as two word: "did not".
Furthermore, there should be a "period" at the end of the sentence.
As far as other grammar errors are concerned, the second instance of the use of the personal pronoun, "I"—is incorrectly written in the lower case: "i"—and should be replaced with the capital letter, "I". Furthermore, "</span>aunt matildia" should be rewritten with a capital letter "A" replacing the word: "aunt" [the word: "aunt" should be changed to "Aunt"], and the name: "matildia" should be rewritten with a capital "M" replacing the name: "matildia" [the name "matildia" should be replaced with "Matildia"]. Also, if "Aunt Matildia" is, in fact, really spelled that way, than the spelling of the name should be retained. On the other hand, if the aunt's name is actually spelled: "Mathilda"—or some variant, then the proper spelling should be used—and the first letter should be capitalized.
--Edit--- your question should read as follows: "Is this sentence punctuated correctly?"