Capitalistic society's work to make as much money as possible, the more money one could make the better they feel. Therefore, having the laissez fair philosophy which states the government will stay out of business and the process of how companies make money, means that a business could possibly be unmoral and charge outrageous priceses for neccesiets without being checked by a government entity. Making it very very easy to them to make practicly as much money as possible if one wanted to even if it meant being a bit dirty.
Every citizen has a right to a fair share of all products
I know besause I am smart
The correct answer is D. If you take action, and you do not understand what you are doing, you can cause more harm than good.
Russia build communism after nicholas ll lost his power during the feburary revolution
Yes they should have. The Jews did not have a home, and they needed a place to call their own.