Answer: Looks at oceans as highways instead of barriers
Hope this helps!
The Mariana Trench<span> is part of the Izu-Bonin-</span>Mariana<span>subduction system that forms the boundary between two </span>tectonic plates<span>. In this system, the western edge of one </span>plate<span>, the Pacific </span>Plate<span>, is subducted (going under) beneath the smaller </span>Mariana Plate<span> that lies to the west.</span>
route to not be a water disaster if the richest man is primitively and jointly of course rain in itself will not immediately solve the problem as the water supplies have shrunk to such an extent that will take a long time for them to be reply insead
They are divided into degrees so that we can know the exact location :)
a. True.
b. False.
c. True.
d. True.
A landform refers to a geomorphic or natural feature of the Earth's surface, which typically makes its terrain. Some examples of landforms on planet earth are mountain, plains, volcanoes, valley, hills and plateau.
Basically, the tectonic plates such as the oceanic and continental lithosphere interact in three (3) ways and these are; divergent, transform and convergent boundaries.
a. Plates shift the continents around as they move, so Earth's surface is constantly changing.
b. False: the contacts between plates are called passive margins. A passive margin is a region where continents have rifted apart and are then separated by a body of water such as an ocean.
c. True: plates may consist of both ocean floor and continental crust, but never just oceanic or continental crust.
d. True: there are 120 major tectonic plates.