D. she ended the relationship
Marriage was the only means for women to gain social mobility
A subordinate CLAUSE (not phrase) contains a subject and verb, is introduced by a conjunction, and supports the main clause.
An absolute phrase combines a noun and a participle. (e.g. shining stars, crossed arms)
A prepositional phrase is a modifying phrase consisting of a preposition and its object. (on the table, beside the stairs)
A participial phrase will begin with a present or past participle and will always function as an adjective, describing a nearby noun or pronoun.
(e.g. PUTTING ON HER BOOTS, she trudged into the snow.)
Balance your freedom and responsibility by managing your time. After figuring out your class (and/or work, internship, volunteering, etc) schedule, go through your calendar and set aside a specific time just for studying and homework.
you cant expect other people to believe in you if you dont believe in yourself if you dont think you can do it other people might htink you cant do it