the the navigation act sorry about that the navigation act or more broadly the Acts of Trade and Navigation, was a long series of English laws that developed, promoted, and regulated English ships, shipping, trade, and commerce between other countries and with its own colonies.
6 or 7 hope this helps you out.
I'm not sure cause i have not finished the test yet. But i do need help with the test too. I'll let you know when i'm done.
<u>The thirteen colonies were British settlements on the Atlantic coast of America</u> in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Over time, they lead to the creation of the United States of America and are an important part of the history of the United States.
<u>The 13 colonies were</u> Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.
<u>The colonies were classified into three groups</u>: <u><em>the colonies of New England </em></u>(Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut), <u><em>the middle colonies</em></u> (New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware) <u><em>and the southern colonies </em></u>(Maryland, Virginia, Carolina North, South Carolina and Georgia).
Each of the 13 colonies had its own self-government</u>, but only white men could vote for who they wanted their governor to be.