“In December 598 [B.C.] Nebuchadnezzar left Babylon once more to campaign in the west. He besieged Jerusalem, which had rebelled
three years earlier, and on 16 March 597 it fell. King Jehoiachin and many of his subjects were deported to Babylon and Zedekiah was installed as king of Judah in his place. After some years Zedekiah too rebelled. The Babylonians began a siege of Jerusalem which lasted for more than a year. The walls were finally breached in the summer of 587 . . . and the city surrendered about a month later. Much of Jerusalem may have been destroyed at this time and more Jews were deported.” —Michael Roaf,
Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East
How long after Jerusalem’s walls were breached did Jersualem fall to the Babylonians?
a day later
a year later
a month later
within minutes
During this siege, the duration of which was either 18 or 30 months (see below at "Chronological notes"), the Bible describes the city as enduring horrible deprivation (2 Kings 25:3; Lamentations 4:4, 5, 9).
Answer: On arrival at Jamestown, they found the Virginia Colony almost destroyed by famine and disease during what has become known as the Starving Time.