Double-stranded DNA loops around 8 histones twice, forming the nucleosome, which is the building block of chromatin packaging. DNA can be further packaged by forming coils of nucleosomes, called chromatin fibers. These fibers are condensed into chromosomes during mitosis, or the process of cell division.
Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.
During DNA packaging, long pieces of double-stranded DNA are tightly looped, coiled, super coiled, and folded so that they fit easily within the cell. This highly compacted DNA is then arranged into structures called chromosomes.
the characteristics applies to all three domains and viruses by the genetic material.
Meiosis I, a reductional division of two haploid cells produces offspring cells that are not genetically identical with the event of recombination. Haploid girl cells have half the original/parent cell chromosomes.
meiosis II, an equational or mitotic division, divides the haploid cells created in meiosis I to produce four identical daughter cells that ultimately form the male/female gametes (egg/sperm).
Here chromatids split in contrast to meiosis I when homologous chromosomes apart.
Facultative anaerobe
A facultative anaerobe is an organism that commonly grow in the presence of oxygen and use aerobic process to form ATP and to gain energy but they can also grow in the anaerobic condition by getting energy from fermentation process.
As anaerobic condition is not the perfect condition in which facultative anaerobe wants to grow because they prefer more to grow in aerobic conditions, therefore, their growth is not that much high in anaerobic condition as compared to aerobic conditions.
Therefore they show moderate growth in the culture present in candle jar and anaerobic jar because oxygen is absent there but show heavy growth in the culture present in a standard incubator because of the presence of aerobic condition here.