The major cause of shifts in political allegiance during this time came from the Great Depression, which required strong government intervention to correct the issue. These interventions became commonly ascociated with the Democratic Party, thanks to FDR.
It allowed the independent Soviet nations and satelite states to choose democracy over communism
Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor took place on December 7, 1941. 18 ships were damaged or sunk, and 2,400 people were killed. Its most significant consequence was the entrance of the United States into World War II.
The historical circumstances that led to the Industrial Revolution was the first World War. After the first world war, the world was desparate to create new inventions and leave behind their old ways. Some of the first inventions after the war were Television and Fighter Planes. This was a political endeavor because there were many who did not want to see change happen, but the conservatives are known for driving progress forward and sparking innovation. The economic effects were grave as the industrial revolution that took place after world war one directly led to the great depression of the 1940s. The social effects meant that people were more disconnected than ever, no one ever left their home they did their shopping on qvc, and we have seen a decline in society ever since.
This is an analysis of the political and economic benefits of the Industrial Revolution.