The Cultural Cause of Poverty
Cultures have internal and external elements that contribute to the existence of poverty. Some of these conditions are tangible and external, like:
Lack of shelter
Limited access to clean water resources
Food insecurity
Physical disabilities
Lack of access to health care
Absence of social services
Gender discrimination
Poor infrastructure
Government corruption
Environmental circumstances such as natural disasters, droughts, limited resources or depletion of natural resources
Other elements are intangible and internal—knowledge, aspiration, diligence, confidence, leadership styles, participatory governance, social capital, values, and peace, to name a few.
Proper nouns are nouns that name specific people, places, things, or ideas. Think of proper as meaning specific.
America, English, Paris
Notice that proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.
Proper adjectives are adjectives that are formed from proper nouns. Most of them identify people, places, languages, or groups.
American cars, English grammar, Parisian scarf
Notice that these adjectives are still performing the job of an adjective: They are all describing nouns. Also, notice that they all begin with a capital letter.
No. I don't really care about ranks. I judge an answer based on its rating.