The theory of evolution basically serves to explain the biological evolution of living beings. The theory of evolution basically serves to explain the biological evolution of living beings. This results in the appearance of new species different from the previous ones.
Answer:water diffuses into the phloem from the xylem and sucrose moves to the sink
Explanation:Translocation is the movement of ready produced food substances from the site of production to places in the plant where food is needed. such as the roots.the place where food is produced is called the source, the the place where food is used up is called the sink.the leaves are the source in a plant.photsoynthates, which is the plant manufactired food, may move up and down the stem ,majorly to areas of storage and growth.
Surose is the major intermediate product of is the form in which sugar is is conducted by the phloem vessels.this takes place in the long sieve elements that forms the sieve tubes
The high percentage of sucrose in the phloem sap causes water to pass into it from the xylem. This then causes the sap to move from source to sink.
At the sink, sucrose diffuses out of the is either stored up or used for growth and repairs
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B. the last phosphate group has a lot of energy stored in the bond that connects it to the other two phosphates.
Scientist can look at DNA sequences to determine if they are related, A scientist named Darwin proved that all species are related and descended from one common ancestor.