This sounds like an opinion based question. If i were answering it i would say the raven because it uses more words and creates a more gloomy, dramatic effect.
I read a book "drought" , this book was actually based on how we people waste the water these days and people far away suffer from lack of water to drink . author was unknown because story was based in reality and was conflicted too for some reasons . this book was published in may 19 2006 . this book was an absolute master peace . I learned a lot from this particular book and wow ! it's seriously so pain to even know such situations . there a girl was described who used to go for bringing water , walking miles a day with her mom , she had to cross huge ups and downs and while going her mom felled down from the hill . and the girl died crying , starving alone . It basically described various scenarios . and while reading I realised what actually the struggle is . we cry for such low priced cheap ,things and they are super heroes struggling for every drop of water . The book was actually priceless if we think of . but it costed me of 1.33$ . whatever be it I liked it the most . it was like experiencing things in real life . and after the book was over , my throat was dried and paining with sorrow . since then I respect things which surrounds me .
Mary tells John that if he testifies against her, she will "charge lechery" and ruin him. What does John decide to do? He tells Mary that they will both testify in court against Abigail. Although it will ruin him, he can't allow Elizabeth die.
The room was dark musty and the general aura of the room felt tragic. There was nobody in there. Just a man. One man, Muttering to himself nonsense. He seemed lost, just sitting there. There were strange assortments of unpleasant dolls and toys along with broken ritualistic things piled in a dirty old garbage can in the corner of the room. It was hard to see it. Yet so noticable. The mans eyes were sunken in and his mutterings told me he was in a dark place he couldn't get his mind out of. He looked up at me and his seemed to be begging me never to end up like him and to help him. I looked in the uncomfortable room once and decided I would ignore him. I probably should have helped the old man, but I didn't. I guess I was being ignorant...