sorry i dont speak spaghetti
More than two and a half years have passed since I was a boy in Germany. His name was George Frederick Handle. Her famous doctor
Was. The old doctor said to his son one day, "Jar, you too will get fame one day. Maybe you too
Will you become a doctor or a nurse? "George replied
Diya I do not want to be a doctor nor do I want to dedicate my life to music and from time to time he became a great musician.
ion know tthoooooooooooooooooo
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The song “Dance with the Devil” by Immortal Technique uses various literary and poetic devices to convey the reality and dangers of the gangster illusion. The primary devices utilized in the song include imagery, allusion, alliteration, and point of view.
Imagery is possibly the most powerful device used throughout “Dance with the Devil”. Immortal Technique uses imagery to captivate the dark, graphic, and realistic actions and consequences associated with those who attempt to follow the gangster images portrayed in the mainstream hip-hop media.